Developing your political skills: Strategies for success

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Our professional success is more than the work that we do. We are our best ambassador. Knowing how to assertively promote ourselves, to be known as assertive rather than confrontational is not always easy.

Many women will openly admit to their dislike of politics. We don’t want to use the same approaches as men and if we do we are perceived as bossy or aggressive. This participative workshop will give you some practical tools and techniques to develop ways to influence effectively, to maintain control of your professional persona and to develop ways of working that suit your skills and will support you in your journey to achieving your career ambitions.

Key take aways:

  • A better understanding of your personal impact
  • Awareness of a range of influencing styles and how to use them
  • Improved confidence using assertive language and behaviours
  • Easy to implement tools and techniques to managing your work life balance


6.00pm Registration

6.30pm Speaker – Ruth Sacks

8.00pm Networking

9.00pm Finish

Ruth Sacks is the director of Boardroom Focus Ltd which provides bespoke development programmes and workshops for individuals who are aiming high and looking to advance their careers.

Her background is in consultancy in leadership & change management and executive development. She has worked in the UK, Europe, Africa and the USA. This international background and work experience gives her insights into the global challenges of leadership.

Ruth conceived, launched and ran the acclaimed Women for the Board Programme at Westminster Business School which successfully promoted women’s development at top levels. She has worked with Barclays and HSBC supporting women’s talent development initiatives in the UK and Hong Kong. She is currently running an executive development programme for aspiring leaders and board members in the housing sector.

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